02 Jul 2024 | Posted In Money advice news

Money Advice Trust has partnered with Bristol University’s Personal Finance Research Centre on a programme to explore the impact of the business financial skills gap on small business owners.

With 5.5 million small firms in the UK, small businesses are a key part of the UK economy and business management skills play a crucial role in ensuring small businesses not just survive but thrive. But has Money Advice Trust sees through Business Debtline, many small business owners do not feel confident managing business finances.

The new Building Up Business programme explores the impact of the business financial skills gap on small business owners and what’s needed to help businesses prosper. Money Advice Trust are:

  • Carrying out research with the University of Bristol into the skills and confidence of small business owners and challenges they face navigating their business finances.
  • Developing and piloting a free Business Debtline learning resource to provide additional support to small business owners.

Those who work with or represent small business owners experiencing financial difficulty should contact: policy@moneyadvicetrust.org.

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