Bob’s Blog: Get ready for the MALG Virtual Summit!
With just 24 hours to go until our inaugural MALG Virtual Summit, here’s everything you need to know! We now have in excess of 230 delegates signed up, making this our biggest and best event yet and demonstrating just how important it is that we continue to ‘work together to improve the lives of people in debt’, especially in such challenging times. […]
Read MoreBob’s Blog: MALG Virtual Summit two weeks to go and new GDPR and Vulnerability Guide launch
Hello to all our MALG members and contacts. With just two weeks to go until our inaugural MALG Virtual Summit, we are very pleased to announce that we already have almost 200 delegates signed up! In the absence of a physical conference this year, it is refreshing to know that there is still an appetite to attend virtual events. We are […]
Read MoreHigh Court Decision Imminent on Virtual Enforcement
The Royal Courts of Justice have been asked by Just – the enforcement market integrator, to clarify the legal status of virtual enforcement as an alternative to physical debt collection. Virtual enforcement solutions allow qualified enforcement staff to work remotely when seeking to collect on unpaid debts. Developed as an alternative to physical enforcement, Just […]
Read MoreMoney Advice Trust chief executive Joanna Elson awarded CBE for services to people in financial difficulty
Money Advice Trust chief executive Joanna Elson has been awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for services to people in financial difficulty. Joanna has served as chief executive of the Money Advice Trust, the charity that runs National Debtline and Business Debtline, since 2008. In addition to her role at the Trust, Joanna is […]
Read MoreVictory for Debt Threats campaign as Government agrees to end distressing default letters
In a major campaign success for the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, the government has today agreed to change decades-old laws which force lenders to send intimidating letters to people with problem debt. Money and Mental Health’s research shows that 100,000 people in problem debt attempt to take their own life in England each year […]
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