MALG North West is the longest established regional MALG group, created in 1997 to promote greater communication, understanding and professionalism between money advice agencies and creditors in the region. It was the first networking group of its kind, aiming to maximise upon the wealth of representation in the North West area.
The group is chaired by Vanessa Whale of HSBC and Sharon Mercer of Citizens Advice. Other committee members include Joanne Brookes of Bridgewater Finance, Helen Handzel of StepChange, Helen Addis of Bristow & Sutor, Glen Walker of Ascent Performance Group Ltd and Karen Bridson of JT Maxwell.
The groups meets four times a year in Manchester, Chester, Liverpool and/or Wigan. All MALG regional groups are currently holding virtual versions of their meetings via Zoom.
MALG North West Meeting Registration and Resources
MALG North West Members can register for upcoming Meetings and access speaker presentations and meeting papers after the event here using the password provided via email. If you think you are eligible to receive the password but have not done so, please email
For a list of some MALG North West Members see the regional section of the members page and for details of upcoming regional members’ meetings, see our events calendar.
If you feel you would benefit from joining the North West Regional Forum we would be pleased to hear from you. Please email