15 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

Following a request during on of the first ‘MALG Members Friday Forums‘, which was originally set up to help those from across the money advice and debt landscape to work together to tackle the Coronavirus crisis, we curated a list of creditor email addresses for advisers to who were struggling to get in touch on behalf of their clients.

This ‘fast track’ adviser-specific list has proved so invaluable that we have continued updating it whenever there is a request or contribution. If there is a specific creditor you are struggling to get hold of or if you have/are provided with a suitable address for advisers to contact creditors on, please comment below and we will either put out a call or add to/update the list.

Last updated: 27/11/2024.




Local Authorities

  • Wilkin Chapman is currently working with circa 100 Local Authorities across the country and can provide advisers with direct contact details for people at Councils who can help resolve cases – email Paul Bowden on paul.bowden@wilkinchapman.co.uk

Other (credit referencing, legal, car finance and more)

222 comments on “MALG publishes list of creditor email addresses for money advisers”

  1. Note that Thames Water is not on the utilities list. I used to be able to email them but in last couple of months this facility seems to have disappeared! Could someone look into this as need to contact them on behalf of a lot of my MA clients!

  2. Hi, I’ve just tried to use the O2 email & had the following response:

    Thanks for contacting the O2 Resolution Expert Team. We are working hard to ensure that we are maintaining service for all teams as much as possible but currently the Resolution Expert service is unavailable for new emails. If you have responded back to one of our emails, we are working through these and will come back to you as soon as we can. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    You have 24/7 access to your account on My O2 through the app or online. This is the best way to stay in touch and manage any customer service queries.


    O2 Resolution Expert

  3. Can anyone help with a Barclays contact email? Have been trying for months by phone and then get passed through to different departments, some of which are still closed.

  4. Can we please find an email for Lloyds?
    Also, I have been given this address for them today by their Collections team:-
    PO Box 5429, Brighton, BN52 9BR
    I’ve never seen this address before.
    Can anyone confirm?

  5. We’d been using Lloyds Collections, PO Box 487, Brighton BN1 4GY but we’ve just had some letters returned to us as “gone away”. Will try the new PO box address posted by Diane Jones – thank you

  6. Hello. I have used the email address for Bristow & Sutor (mail@bristowsutor.co.uk) today. However, I have received an auto-reply that states that the address does not accept incoming emails and therefore it will not be looked at. It instead advises me to look on their website and to use a more secure method of contact by completing an Advisor Only pro-forma for contact.

  7. Hello, I’ve tried the ThirdPartySupport address at British Gas and get this response “This email address only deals with Power of Attorney and Deputy requests where the customer is sending in legal documentation.” – Does anybody have an alternative email address for them?

  8. Does anyone have an email address for Barclays Bank plc please. I have been told by Barclay Call Centre staff that there is an email address for Debt Advice Agencies but the call handler was not able to supply this to me

  9. Has anyone made email contact with Merligen Investments? We found them on a credit report and there seems to be very little info except that they are or were a debt collection agency

  10. NCO Europe have directed me to Shop Direct for a debt found on a credit report (as they have no record) but the only email address for Shop Direct I have is for NCO Europe! Does anyone have something else??

  11. Lloyds Bank contact
    I used the suggested PO Box 5429, Brighton, BN52 9BR by Diane for an overdraft account. I actually recieved a response today! Thank you Diane. It may be a sorting centre as the address on the letterhead was noted to be:
    Collections Centre
    PO Box 60
    CH1 3BE

    With a freephone number: 0808 145 0371

  12. When I called Shop Direct today they refused to confirm the NCO email address and said they didn’t know from where I got that one! They said they do not have an email address they can give out and they can only advise customers to contact via their portal. I’ve ended up putting everything in the post which is just dandy given the number of strikes we have at present!

  13. Re Lloyds and MBNA – we at Sidcup Debt Advice have been trying via Email, Twitter, DM, Ombudsman, Martin Lewis, the lot…they just say POST! Which isn’t working! This is NOT good enough! Ombudsman said complain but their form isn’t exactly helpful for a policy decision! My question today online is ‘What do Stepchange do?’!

  14. Having tried and tried to obtain an email from Lloyds I called them today – after talking to 2 people I was cut off but the essence of my question was – fine, no email? In that case can you send a supply of SAEs as we are a Debt Advice charity and with the increased cost of postage it’s not possible to send documents physically time and time again.
    After the cut off I went through to their executive office who answered me in January with a ‘so sorry we don’t’ so will now wait for their next reply.

  15. Hi all – another 2 problems – Amex first – they say on their website they have a hardship mail so I sent the Authorisation and balance request – 2 mins later an auto mail comes back with ‘please be aware that we are unable to respond by email’ – so this is a creditor that publishes a financial hardship email but won’t answer on mail !
    The second is Vodafone – they say that before they can discuss a client they need photo id from the client + a Birth Certificate! They have the authorisation ! They also provide the balance…
    I am mailing our MP as a lobby mechnaism but it seems they just want to make it hard to sort people out!

  16. Barclaycard email address bounces back as undeliverable. I tried removing the client’s credit card number from the email in case it did not like sensitive information – but still bounced back.

  17. Having real problems with Anglian Water, not their contact details (I have that) but their new extra care assessment scheme application does not accept money advice LOA’s. Have to get clients to complete Anglian’s own consent forms adding much time and effort to our process 🙁

  18. Good morning,
    Does anyone have an email address for Virgin Money.
    I have contacted their Call Centre, who advised that they no longer have email addresses and that we must write to them at their Head Office address. This is a bit tricky for any time sensitive matters.
    Any contacts are appreciated.

  19. Hi all – I have 2 new email addresses for you –

    1) As a result of a here ‘n there campaign about Banks not receiving emails – only post – which to us as a small charity is costly – HSBC have supplied an email – I’ve tested it and it wasn’t rejected – DML.collections@hsbc.com

    2) Freemans, Grattan, Look again – all under 1 office – Customer.services@lookagain.co.uk – I had a reply from them this morning confirming balances for a Debt client.

    Hope this helps?


    Steve Smith
    Sidcup Debt Advice

  20. Got this from EDF recently having used one of the addresses above.

    “Our contact details have changed and this email address is no longer in use. You won’t receive any further reply to this message.

    Please resend your enquiry to our new email address hello@edfenergy.com to get the conversation started.”

  21. Hi all, I just received an email contact update from Lowell Financial. Their new email address is debtmanagement.team@lowellgroup.co.uk

    Has anyone had any new email contacts for OVO? As Dominic pointed out in May, if you write to the hello@ovoenergy.com from an email address which isn’t registered on the account, you won’t receive any response regardless of the always attached letter of authority, date of birth, account number, inside leg measurement etc etc

  22. We at Sidcup Debt Advice, part volunteers and part contracted Admin personnel, are supposed to adhere to the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Similarly, Banks are supposed to do this as well. We have found that they think they are above the FCA rules.
    Halifax refuse to deal with us on Email – this means that any letters etc are sent via the Post Office – printing and stamp costs go above £1 per letter – then they claim non receipt anyway. We have started an Ombudsman complaint but it’s not going very far. When we challenge Halifax they say it is not ‘company policy’ to receive emails – this is against at least one FCA rule as they are refusing to deal with us. The hilarious irony is that they send letters to us via Email !
    A recent case with them involved a vulnerable client with a selection of debts. We created the Financial Statement and part of that calculation using the software, further creates amounts that a client can pay that is equal to Creditors and takes into account their current Income and Expenditure. The Halifax amount, they said, was ‘not enough’ and needed £25 more – again, against FCA rules to treat Creditors equally. Eventually they told the client they were transferring the debt to Stepchange, the largest Debt Advice Charity. This caused the client even more stress as they were now dealing with SDA and Stepchange. This is highly – and I cannot stress this enough – highly irregular. It would lead to 2 Financial Statements, which is not the way the Industry does it. Section 7 of FCA’s ‘CONC’ has so many rules they are breaking. The sinister side to this is that it looks like they regard us as some sort of cheap agency and know that it would be very hard for us to complain with our resources as we are mostly volunteers. Very sinister, and totally against FCA rules.
    HSBC, and Barclays, to their credit, have confirmed Email addresses which is good.
    NatWest are still in the ‘old skool’ camp of not having an Email address for Debt Advice.
    I could cite other examples but since 2021, there is a sharp increase in disobeying FCA rules in the name of ‘Company Policy’ and when we try to contact the CEO (who publishes their Email in the case of Halifax) we receive the same ‘Company Policy’ nonsense or even no reply at all.
    Why is the FCA there if not to uphold these rules and not allow Banks to ride through them in the name of ‘Company Policy’?

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