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Resolution Foundation report published: Next steps in the economic response to Coronavirus

16 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

Think tank the Resolution Foundation has published a report on the next steps in the economic response to Coronavirus. The report introduction reads: “The Government has responded to Coronavirus by shutting down large parts of the UK economy, and socialising the costs of doing so through a package of fiscal support to firms and individuals unprecedented in size and scope. Given […]

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Bob’s Blog: Creditor email list and MALG National Members Meeting 30 April

16 Apr 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

We hope that you are all keeping safe and well during this challenging time. Tomorrow, we will be hosting the third of our ‘Members Friday Forum’ sessions designed to help us all continue with MALG’s aim of ‘working together to improve the lives of people in debt’ during the Coronavirus crisis. As in previous weeks, […]

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MALG publishes list of creditor email addresses for money advisers

15 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

Following a request during on of the first ‘MALG Members Friday Forums‘, which was originally set up to help those from across the money advice and debt landscape to work together to tackle the Coronavirus crisis, we curated a list of creditor email addresses for advisers to who were struggling to get in touch on […]

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Unprecedented demand for debt help predicted when Coronavirus crisis-relief ends

09 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

One of the UK’s free debt advice providers, PayPlan, has said it expects to see a huge surge in demand for debt advice when the current temporary relief being offered by lenders in response to the Coronavirus crisis comes to an end. The FCA called for interest and charges to be frozen on all loans […]

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Bob’s Blog: MALG Members Coronavirus ‘Friday Forum’ – follow up actions

08 Apr 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Our second virtual Members ‘Friday Forum’ was attended by an impressive 59 people from across the credit, debt and money advice sectors and together we made some good progress on ‘working together to improve the lives of people in debt’ during the Coronavirus crisis. Key topics discussed so far have been forbearance, GDPR and what […]

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