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Centre for Cities publishes research on household debt and problem debt in British cities

23 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

Think tank Centre for Cities has today published findings of its latest research into household debt and problem debt in British cities. It finds that people in large cities and towns in Northern England and Wales have the most household debt and will be hit hardest in the economic downturn predicted as a result of the […]

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Bob’s Blog: MALG National Members Meeting and creditor email list update

23 Apr 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello again, just a quick update from MALG on what’s happening this week during the ever-changing Coronavirus crisis. Firstly, we have already had nearly 50 sign-ups for our ‘virtual’ National Members Meeting on 30 April 2020, showing what a demand there is for continuing to ‘work together to improve the lives of people in debt’ despite the […]

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Money and Mental Health Policy Institute launches urgent Covid-19 customer support standards

22 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

Money and Mental Health Policy Institute has launched a new set of standards to help firms and front line staff support the growing number of customers in distress. This has been developed in response to the fact that millions of people are experiencing distress, anxiety or other mental health problems during the Covid-19 outbreak, which […]

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Money Advice Trust calls on Government to act to ‘close the gaps’ in Covid-19 financial support

21 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

The Government must urgently ‘close the gaps’ in measures to support household finances through the Covid-19 outbreak, according to a new report from the Money Advice Trust. The charity, which runs the free National Debtline and Business Debtline advice services, says that those struggling with council tax bills, self-employed people and private renters need ‘urgent […]

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Child Poverty Action Group launches ‘Mind the Gaps’ briefings reporting on families’ incomes during pandemic

20 Apr 2020 | Posted In Money advice news

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) has launched a new series of ‘Mind the Gaps’ briefings to report on families’ incomes during the Coronavirus pandemic. The briefings highlight some of the gaps in support that exist for children and families affected by the Covid-19 crisis using evidence from CPAG’s Early Warning System (EWS) which collects case […]

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