17 Oct 2024 | Posted In Money advice news

Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) has published a summary of responses and its planned next steps following the consultation on the delivery of its debt advice strategy.

In 2021/22 MaPS undertook a major commissioning exercise for debt advice. Following this exercise MaPS committed to carrying out a public consultation in order to help shape its future strategic approach to debt advice, and understand the best ways to commission national and locally based services over the longer-term.

The consultation set out MaPS service approach to debt advice up to 2028. It explored how it interprets its remit in relation to debt advice and the role that it could take in working with the wider debt sector on some of the key issues and challenges identified. The consultation looked at MaPS as a commissioner of services, but also explored other areas.

As well as the six stakeholders webinars with 320 attendees from 145 stakeholder organisations, MaPS received 64 responses from a broad range of stakeholders including advice providers, financial services firms, membership and trade bodies, the housing sector, and credit management firms.

A wide range of views and opinions were expressed by respondents which are organised by chapter in the summary document, alongside the next steps MaPS intends to take for each of the proposals and questions set out.

Read more here.