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FCA warns firms and finfluencers to keep their social media ads lawful

02 Apr 2024 | Posted In Money advice news

The FCA has set out how adverts across social media channels must be fair, clear and not misleading, meaning they must have balance and carry the right risk warnings so people can make well informed financial decisions. Social media has become a central part of firms’ marketing strategies. Firms are on the hook for all […]

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Money and Mental Health Policy Institute publishes new research showing millions of Britons are at risk of avoidable long term mental health and money problems

25 Mar 2024 | Posted In Money advice news

Money and Mental Health’s new report (sponsored by Barclays) looks at people’s experiences of financial and mental health problems from 2019-2022, covering the period just before the pandemic up to the start of the cost of living crisis. Entitled ‘Always on your mind‘, it examines how people aged 25-54 (i.e prime working age) experienced this combination […]

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UK Regulators Network (UKRN) publishes joint letter on debt collection

18 Mar 2024 | Posted In Money advice news

As part of Debt Awareness Week 2024, the UK Regulators Network (UKRC) has published a letter setting out the consumer outcomes that the FCA, Ofcom, Ofwat and Ofgem expect to see firms delivering, in response to identified consumer harms in the context of the cost of living crisis. The key consumer harms in debt collection […]

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MoneySavingExpert Martin Lewis calls on Government to put greater resources into financial education

15 Mar 2024 | Posted In Money advice news

MoneySavingExpert Martin Lewis provided oral evidence as a witness to the education committee on 5 March 2024 and called for the Government to address the ‘real poverty’ of financial education in the UK. He said: “The amount of resources the government has put into funding financial education has been flaccid and to a detrimental level. […]

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Christians Against Poverty publishes its latest research: Pushed under, pushed out

13 Mar 2024 | Posted In Money advice news

Christians Against Poverty has launched its latest research in partnership with the Centre for Research in Social Policy at Loughborough University. ‘Pushed under, pushed out’ explores the link between debt, poverty and living standards. The report uses the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) as a benchmark. According to the latest YouGov polling, 29% of UK adults […]

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