Money Advice Liaison Group Logo

Bob’s Blog (MALG updates)

MALG Conference 2019 theme revealed

30 Jul 2019 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

The theme of this year’s Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) Conference will look at ‘the changing face of debt advice’ in the UK’s current turbulent political, economic and social environment. Keynote speakers, report launches, panel sessions, workshops and a ‘big debate’ will address the key challenges faced by debt advisers now and in the future, […]

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Bob’s Blog: MALG AGM new Board announcement and Conference 2019 sponsors/exhibitors

12 Jul 2019 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Thank you to all of those who voted by proxy and attended/voted in person for new MALG Board appointments at our AGM last week. We’re very pleased to announce the appointment of Peter Wallwork, chief executive of the Credit Services Association and Paul Smee, chair of the Peer to Peer Finance Association, and the re-appointment […]

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Bob’s Blog: MALG Conference 2019 bookings and AGM/Members Meeting agenda

13 Jun 2019 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Whilst the weather is far from seasonal at the moment, the conference season progresses unabated! I understand that the Money Advice Scotland Conference was a memorable event as always and I thoroughly enjoyed the Institute of Money Advisers Conference in Manchester earlier this week. It was great to see a number of MALG Members there […]

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Bob’s Blog: Welcome to new MALG members and details of National Members Meeting/AGM 4th July 2019

22 May 2019 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello to all our Members, Associates, Supporters and Friends! With yet another Bank Holiday weekend fast approaching, we wanted to update you on the latest from MALG.   Welcome to new members! The power of MALG is in the diversity, size, and engagement of our membership and we are always working hard to attract new […]

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Bob’s Blog: National Members Meeting and MALG Conference 2019

18 Apr 2019 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello to all our Members, Associates, Supporters and Friends! I hope this blog finds you all well. May I also take this opportunity to wish you, your families and your colleagues a very Happy and Peaceful Easter. MALG National Members Meeting We had a successful Members Meeting hosted by Womble Bond Dickinson in London last week with a “sell […]

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