The theme of this year’s Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) Conference will look at ‘the changing face of debt advice’ in the UK’s current turbulent political, economic and social environment. Keynote speakers, report launches, panel sessions, workshops and a ‘big debate’ will address the key challenges faced by debt advisers now and in the future, and what the sector and its stakeholders can do to overcome them.
From how debt advice is coordinated and funded to make it ‘fit for the future’, to the impact of Open Banking and Government debt collection reform, delegates from across the credit and debt landscape will be brought together to find sustainable, collaborative solutions.
Run by a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation, the MALG Conference is unique in that there is no commercial, regulatory, or political agenda and its entire purpose is focused on MALG’s long term aim of ‘working together to improve the lives of people in problem debt’. It is the ‘must attend’ event for anyone who sees this purpose as part of their role from responsible lenders and debt collection professionals, to grassroots money advisers and policy makers.
More details will be revealed soon and sponsorship opportunities, exhibition stands and delegate tickets can be booked now at www.malg.org.uk/conference