22 May 2019 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello to all our Members, Associates, Supporters and Friends! With yet another Bank Holiday weekend fast approaching, we wanted to update you on the latest from MALG.


Welcome to new members!

The power of MALG is in the diversity, size, and engagement of our membership and we are always working hard to attract new members. Most recently, we have secured Wessex Water and Indigo Michael (trading as SafetyNet Credit) as National Business Members. They have also joined relevant regional groups and we hope to see representatives from both organisations at future national and regional meetings.

See the full list of current MALG members on our website here. If your organisation isn’t on the list, you can find details of the benefits of membership and membership application forms here.

MALG AGM and Members Meeting 4th July 2019

On the subject of MALG member benefits, we have our next National Members Meeting coming up on 4th July 2019 in Central London – full details to be shared soon.

We are now using Eventbrite for National Members Meeting bookings and will be sending the link via Mailchimp only to those on our newly-revamped contacts database who are listed as being national members. The invitation with Eventbrite booking link will be going out next week, please let us know if you don’t receive it but think you are eligible to attend/would like to attend as a guest on this occasion.

Just before the Members Meeting, we will be holding our AGM which will include the election of the MALG Board Directors. Two current Directors will not be seeking re-election and we have had nominations for their replacements from the credit and collections sectors as previously requested. Voting papers will be sent to all those with voting rights by 3rd June 2019.


Maximise your MALG membership

Another way that you can maximise your organisation’s MALG membership is by ensuring that as many people as possible in your organisation are involved. Please ask your relevant colleagues who aren’t already signed up to our contacts database to sign up using the following link: http://eepurl.com/dq61XT. They will then be added to the invite list for National Members Meetings (if your organisation is currently a national member) and be on this circulation list to receive regular updates.


MALG Conference 2019

The MALG Conference will be held on Thursday 24th October at 11 Cavendish Square in London.

The Conference Committee is working hard on the programme and we will release details as soon as they are available. We are still looking for additional Sponsors for the event. Please contact me if you want to take up this opportunity. In addition, we will have Commercial Exhibition Stands available starting from £3,000 + VAT (including 2 free delegate places) and Non-Commercial stands available at £1500 + VAT (including 2 free delegate places). Places will be limited so please let me know if you wish to exhibit and to secure your place.

Traditionally, we have always charged delegates to attend the MALG Conference and we are pleased to advise that we have kept delegate prices in line with the 2017 Conference as follows:-

  • Commercial delegate place £295
  • Non-Commercial delegate place £95

This year we are introducing a new Combined ticket for Commercial organisations at £390 which gives Commercial organisations an opportunity to fund a Non-Commercial Adviser. We will recognise these supportive businesses at the event. We will share the booking link as soon as possible.


Upcoming regional meetings

Please note that the next MALG South East meeting is on 3rd July 2019 at Southwark Council rather than 17th July as previously advertised on our website events calendar. Also, the MALG Scotland meeting on 4th June 2019 has been cancelled and the next one will be on 3rd September at Denton’s offices in Glasgow.

If you aren’t currently being invited to regional meetings and think you should be/want to be, please contact the relevant regional secretary: