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Debt Advice Steering Group supports Peter Wyman’s Independent Review of Debt Advice Funding

25 Apr 2018 | Posted In Money advice news

A major Independent Review of the Funding of Debt Advice, led by Peter Wyman, was published on 25 January 2018. In the three months following, almost 30 organisations have formally responded to the Review. The Debt Advice Steering Group (DASG) has now considered those responses in detail and agreed to back the direction of travel […]

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Government agrees with campaigners’ demands to grant people in mental health crisis vital new protections from escalating debts

25 Apr 2018 | Posted In Uncategorised

Following a high profile campaign by the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, the Government has announced that their new ‘breathing space’ debt respite scheme will be extended to cover people receiving NHS mental health crisis services. The campaign victory comes after the charity, established by Martin Lewis, revealed that 23,000 people in England were […]

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Bob’s Blog: Save the date: MALG National Members Meeting and more new members to welcome!

09 Apr 2018 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Welcome members! I hope this blog finds you all well after the rather unpredictable weather we’ve had of late, it finally looks as though spring is on its way- long overdue! I’m pleased to tell you that the next National Members Meeting will be held at Dentons LLP Boardroom offices in London One Fleet Place, […]

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Ministry of Justice crackdown on rogue bailiffs

03 Apr 2018 | Posted In Money advice news

Bailiffs who aggressively pursue debts will come under fresh scrutiny through plans announced by ministers to tackle intimidating and inappropriate behaviour. The Government is to launch a call for evidence following concerns that a minority of bailiffs are still acting aggressively when collecting money from debtors – particularly from vulnerable people. The call for evidence, which […]

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CAP report: Bringing restoration to desolate homes

22 Mar 2018 | Posted In Money advice news

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) have released a new report which is an invitation to look behind closed doors into the homes left desolate by debt and poverty. The report was launched in the House of Lords, hosted by CAP’s Patron, the Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. Problem debt is more […]

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