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Institute for Fiscal of Studies publishes new report: Two decades of income inequality in Britain

14 Jan 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has published a new report entitled Two decades of income inequality in Britain: the role of wages, household earnings and redistribution. The synopsis reads: “The paper looks back at changes in income inequality in Great Britain over the past 20 years, with a particular focus on explaining why – contrary […]

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GoCompare releases research showing Brits are stressed by financial admin

13 Jan 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

Comparison website GoCompare have released the findings of a survey of more than 2,000 people which asked how they manage their personal financial accounts. 31% said that having so many passwords and contracts is stressful, 28% compared managing their personal affairs to a full time job, 21% said that they felt they had lost track […]

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Debt advisers praise Eastenders storyline

12 Jan 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

EastEnders has been praised for its recent focus on debt storylines and money worries for characters, with leading debt advice provider PayPlan commending the show for linking financial difficulties with mental health in some of its scenes. Read more here:

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#MondayMoneyUK Twitter chat round up 9 January

10 Jan 2017 | Posted In Money advice news runs a #MondayMoneyUK Twitter chat each week. Read a round-up of this week’s chat from Debt Camel blogger and money adviser Sara Williams.

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Money Advice Scotland Weekly Review

09 Jan 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

Click here to be taken to the Money Advice Scotland Weekly Review

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