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TV Licensing helping customers protect themselves against scams

04 Jan 2023 | Posted In Money advice news

According to Government figures for 2022, fraud is the most experienced crime in the UK, accounting for around 40% of all crimes. As the cost-of-living crisis puts pressure on people’s finances, it is more important than ever that people know how to spot potential fraudsters to minimise the risk of becoming a victim. TV Licensing […]

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FCA warns festive shoppers at rising risk of loan fee scams

21 Dec 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

With Christmas fast approaching, the FCA has launched its latest ScamSmart campaign aimed at giving consumers the knowledge and tools to avoid loan fee fraud. The FCA warns of the increasing risk of loan fee fraud this Christmas, with cases already up by a fifth on last year. FCA research shows with the rising cost […]

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Vulnerable people struggling with debt will be better protected from rogue bailiffs under government plans

16 Dec 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

The Ministry of Justice has announced a crackdown on the intimidating and aggressive behaviour of some private enforcement agents, commonly known as bailiffs, who prey on the most-at-risk. While they acknowledge that the majority act professionally and already voluntarily wear body-worn cameras, the government will now make it a legal requirement to ensure all bailiffs […]

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StepChange IVAs – a mass variation to help with cost of living problems

06 Dec 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

Copy of original article published by Debt Camel. Many people with IVAs are finding it difficult to afford the monthly payments in 2022 because of inflation. StepChange is now proposing a “mass variation” that should help many StepChange IVA clients.  Peter Wordsworth, Head of Insolvency Services at StepChange, says: At Stepchange Voluntary Arrangements we have […]

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Christians Against Poverty publishes ‘Lifelines to Safety’ report exploring reliance on credit

23 Nov 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

Christians Against Poverty’s (CAP) latest research explores why credit is too often the only lifeline for people in difficult times, and accessible routes to safety. Its report, Lifelines to Safety, unpacks the reasons why people are pushed towards credit to get them through financial storms, and how we can offer accessible routes to safety. With over […]

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