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New guide for energy suppliers on vulnerability and mental health

09 Oct 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

A new guide for energy suppliers has been launched today by the Money Advice Trust and Energy UK to help better identify and support consumers in vulnerable circumstances. The guide, Vulnerability, mental health, and the energy sector: a guide to help identify and support consumers, provides practical tools for frontline staff to use with consumers in […]

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Challenger​ ​Credit​ ​Bureau​ ​Credit​ ​Kudos​ ​gets FCA authorisation

06 Oct 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

Credit Kudos, a challenger credit bureau developing a Financial Behaviour Score (FBS), has announced its FCA authorisation, putting its stake in the ground as a fully regulated Credit Reference Agency. From its Dalston home in an old print workshop, Credit Kudos, founded by Freddy Kelly who will be speaking and exhibiting at the MALG Conference 2017, is […]

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Ofcom announces rule changes for debt collection and communication

26 Sep 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

Communications regulator Ofcom has updated its rules to protect customers from nuisance calls and improve debt collection practices. The new rules will apply to all UK communications providers and will take effect from October 1 2018. Communications providers must block calls if telephone numbers displayed to people receiving calls are not valid, dialable and uniquely […]

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Blog: Capping credit card interest – is there is a better way?

26 Sep 2017 | Posted In Thought leadership

Sara Williams has been a volunteer advisor at her local Citizens Advice in London since 2001. She is a member of the Institute of Money Advisers and has the Certificate in Money Advice Practice professional qualification. She is also a blogger via her own personal website, Debt Camel, which she set up in 2013 to talk about what […]

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Blog: Plugging the consumer credit information gap will boost industry and personal outcomes

22 Sep 2017 | Posted In Thought leadership

Freddy Kelly co-founded Credit Kudos in 2015 to tackle the plight of the roughly 12% of the UK population who are “under-banked”, forcing borrowers with no credit history to turn to high cost credit. He developed Credit Kudos as a tool for using consumer transaction data to build highly accurate, transparent credit scores. Freddy will be delivering […]

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