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Call to make New Year’s Resolutions for next year’s Christmas spending

04 Jan 2018 | Posted In Money advice news

An estimated 7.9 million people are expecting to fall behind with their finances this January as a result of Christmas costs, according to new research published by National Debtline, run by charity the Money Advice Trust. The free debt advice charity has joined with the Association of British Credit Unions (ABCUL) to issue a call […]

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Bob’s Blog: Looking back on MALG Conference 2017 and ahead to MALG in 2018

20 Dec 2017 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Christmas is just around the corner, and what a successful year it’s been for MALG! For me, the MALG Conference was a highlight. We took risks to push boundaries, to blend tradition with the future; to encourage collaboration, challenge and inspire. My thanks to the MALG Conference Committee, all our sponsors, exhibitors and delegates for […]

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Blog: Open Banking starts next month – not as boring as it sounds

19 Dec 2017 | Posted In Thought leadership

Sara Williams has been a volunteer advisor at her local Citizens Advice in London since 2001. She is a member of MALG and the Institute of Money Advisers and has the Certificate in Money Advice Practice professional qualification. She is also a blogger via her own personal website, Debt Camel, which she set up in 2013 to talk […]

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The debt advice industry will have to look beyond funding barriers and embrace new technology to get the best outcomes for clients in debt

18 Dec 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

A survey of delegates carried out before the 2017 Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) Conference at the end of November 2017 showed that while almost half of respondents feel that constraints caused by funding problems will be the biggest problem for years to come, one in five believe new technology will have the capacity to […]

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New five-year strategy to greater target those most in need of debt advice

18 Dec 2017 | Posted In Money advice news

The Money Advice Service (MAS) has launched a five-year debt commissioning strategy that outlines a challenging and exciting plan to ensure debt advice services target those most in need.   Following an extensive consultation with over 175 organisations across a range of sectors, ‘A strategic approach to debt advice commissioning’ sets out a new approach […]

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