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Ofgem -Stakeholder Engagement and Consumer Vulnerability- Electricity

31 Oct 2016 | Posted In Money advice news

Click here to be taken to the Ofgem website

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StepChange – Response to Bank of England Credit Stats

31 Oct 2016 | Posted In Money advice news

StepChange Debt Charity response to the Bank of England’s Money and Credit statistics In response to the Bank of England’s Money and Credit statistics, Peter Tutton, Head of Policy at StepChange Debt Charity, said: “These figures show that credit card borrowing is rising at its fastest rate since before the financial crisis. Credit cards are […]

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Income Max – Real Money October 2016

31 Oct 2016 | Posted In Money advice news

Click here to be taken to the IncomeMax Real Money October Edition

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Modernised Insolvency Rules Published

31 Oct 2016 | Posted In Money advice news

Modernised Insolvency Rules published 25-10-2016 Modernised and consolidated insolvency rules which will guide insolvency practice from April 2017 have been laid in Parliament and will come into force on 6 April 2017. The new rules replace the Insolvency Rules 1986 and their 28 subsequent amendments. They have been developed working with the insolvency profession and have been […]

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Press Release from Registry Trust

24 Oct 2016 | Posted In Money advice news

DEBT JUDGMENTS HIT POST CRISIS LOW The total number and value of debt judgments in Northern Ireland during the third quarter of the year fell to its lowest level since before the financial crisis, according to figures released today by Registry Trust. Registry Trust is the non-profit organisation which collects judgment information from jurisdictions across […]

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