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#TalkMoney Week: Money Advice Trust and Experian find four in ten callers in debt wait a year before seeking advice

09 Nov 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

New analysis published today by the Money Advice Trust (the charity which runs the National Debtline service) and data company, Experian, has revealed new insights about the pressures being experienced by UK consumers. It shows that three in 10 (29%) UK adults are worrying about their finances every day, while one in seven (15%) say […]

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Money and Pensions Service publishes report evaluating the long-term outcomes of debt advice

25 Oct 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) has completed a two-year quantitative pilot longitudinal study (PLS), marking the first steps towards developing a longitudinal study to build an in-depth understanding of the medium and long-term impacts that debt advice can have. A study of this kind has rarely, if ever, been attempted either nationally or internationally. This […]

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FCA publishes data from Financial Lives 2022 survey

24 Oct 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

Regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published selected data from its latest Financial Lives survey on vulnerability and financial resilience, and insights into the financial positions of UK consumers in May 2022. This data contributes to the evidence base on the rising cost of living. Financial Lives is FCA’s flagship survey of adults aged […]

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Google makes continued investment in measures to help fight financial fraud in the UK with debt ads policy update

18 Oct 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

In recent years, scammers continue to deploy new fraudulent practices in order to take advantage of people. According to UK Finance’s latest figures, over £1.3 billion was stolen through fraud in 2021, up from £1.26 billion the year before. To combat this concerning trend, Google continues to invest in teams, new policies and better enforcement capabilities. In […]

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Effective creditor communication highlighted as key to helping consumers in financial difficulty

07 Oct 2022 | Posted In Money advice news

New research from StepChange and Amplified Global has shown that two in three StepChange clients surveyed felt they could have been referred to debt advice sooner by their creditors, underlining the need for earlier intervention, constructive communication, and proactive signposting to debt advice The report assesses the extent to which communications from creditors help people […]

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