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Bob’s Blog (MALG updates)

Lantern sponsors Money Advice Liaison Group’s marketing communications consultancy contract

11 Sep 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Lantern, the debt purchase specialist which prides itself on a ‘human touch’, is to support not-for-profit membership organisation the Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) by funding its member and stakeholder engagement activity. The sponsorship will enable MALG to extend its long-standing contract with award winning marketing communications agency Engage Comms Ltd, which is based in […]

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Bob’s Blog: Book your place at the MALG Virtual Summit and other news

08 Sep 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello to all our MALG members and contacts! After months of lockdown, we now very suddenly find ourselves in September and with schools re-opening, a return to some sort of normality. There certainly seems to be an appetite for engagement with more than 80 people already signed up to Thursday’s virtual MALG National Members Meeting. If […]

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Bob’s Blog: Creditors and regulators – MALG needs you!

31 Jul 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello to all our MALG members and contacts! Once again we’ve got a lot to update you on (see below for National Members Meeting papers, conference update and more…) but first we wanted to put out a call to action to our creditor and regulator contacts. MALG’s aim is to bring together a unique spectrum of professionals […]

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Bob’s Blog: MALG National Members Meeting July 2020 and Conference update

17 Jun 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello to all our MALG members and contacts! We have a lot to update you on so have tried to distil it down into one email. Please read on for details of our upcoming National Members Meeting, what’s happening with our Coronavirus ‘Friday Forums’, some big news about our annual conference and more!… MALG National […]

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Bob’s Blog: MALG National Members Meeting presentations and Coronavirus update

13 May 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

All of our lives and those of our clients and customers continue to feel the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and I sincerely hope you and your families are all well. As an organisation based around face-to-face national and regional meetings, we have had to quickly adapt to new ways of working and I trust you feel […]

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