23 Apr 2020 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Hello again, just a quick update from MALG on what’s happening this week during the ever-changing Coronavirus crisis.

Firstly, we have already had nearly 50 sign-ups for our ‘virtual’ National Members Meeting on 30 April 2020, showing what a demand there is for continuing to ‘work together to improve the lives of people in debt’ despite the current circumstances. If you didn’t receive the invitation and think you are eligible to attend, please email info@malg.org.uk asap to secure your place and see the agenda below.

We also have our next virtual MALG Members Friday Forum via Zoom video conferencing at 10am tomorrow morning, which has been consistently attracting more than 50 participants each week since it launched on 27 March. We look forward to seeing even more of you then – find details of how to join here.

Finally, please keep an eye on our website for our ever-expanding list of creditor email addresses for advisers and all the latest Coronavirus-related debt and money advice sector news.

Please send any other creditor email addresses, latest news or questions for the Friday Forum to info@malg.org.uk.

MALG virtual National Members Meeting 30 April 2020 – agenda

The agenda will be as follows:

  • 10.30: Meeting open; welcome from Bob Winnington, CEO, MALG
  • 10.45: Session 1 – Looking after our Colleagues – Angela Foster, My DNA Edge Limited
  • 11.30: Break
  • 11.45: Session 2 – Looking after our Customers – Panel Session hosted by John Fairhurst, PayPlan.
    Panel: Bob Kingdon (Intrum), Jane Tully (Money Advice Trust) and Joe Surtees (Cabinet Office)
  • 12.30: Close
MALG Regional Meetings update

Details of upcoming regional MALG meetings, including updates on whether they are postponed or cancelled, are available on our website at www.malg.org.uk/events.

If you aren’t currently being invited to regional meetings and think you should be/want to be, please contact the relevant regional secretary:

Latest news: See all the latest money advice sector Coronavirus updates on our website www.malg.org.uk.latest