A new report by the Personal Finance Research Centre entitled ‘Joined up: supporting debt advice clients through strong referral partnerships’, presents new evidence about debt advice referrals. It aims to stimulate discussion about how to ensure referrals work well for debt advice clients across a complex ecosystem.
The report contains analysis of StepChange debt advice data and interviews with StepChange team members including debt advisors, and others. The key findings of the report include:
While there is no single ‘correct’ way to make referrals, the report finds there are a number of key elements for advice agencies and advisors to consider. These are about ensuring that:
- Clients’ referral needs are identified in the first place
- Clients understand where they are being referred and why
- Clients are referred at the right time for them
- Referrals are smooth and effective
- Clients are referred to relevant organisations
- Feedback loops are used to improve referrals