MALG member the Institute of Money Advisers (IMA) elected Jane Clack as the new Chair of its Trustee at its AGM and annual conference held on 15 May 2017 in Bristol.
Jane commences a three year term as Chair of the IMA, replacing outgoing Interim Chair Tim Lett and following on from the last permanent Chair, Samantha Nurse, who resigned in 2016.
Jane started work in debt advice at Payplan in 2001. After developing her money advice skills on the PayPlan Helpline and in assessment of cases, she then set up the Special Advice Team and moved into money advice training whilst still maintaining direct contact with clients.
She has been a member of the IMA for 10 years and has the Certificate of Proficiency in Personal Insolvency, the Certificate in Money Advice Practice and is an approved DRO intermediary. She has served on the IMA Council as the Branch Representative for East Anglia since 2015 and has sat on the IMA Trustee Board as the Council Representative since July 2016.
Commenting on her appointment, Jane said: “I am delighted to have been elected Chair of the IMA following Sam Nurse’s resignation last year. Many thanks should go to both Sam and Tim Lett, who served as Interim Chair until the recent AGM. I am looking forward to working with our new Board and the IMA’s Chief Executive, Robert Wilson, to ensure that the Institute continues to improve and assure professional standards in money advice and constructively influences and informs government decision makers. The current regulatory landscape and economic climate places the Institute and its members in a pivotal position to deliver impartial, quality money advice that positively impacts families, communities and the wider economy. I am passionately committed to getting the voice of the Money Adviser heard by those who matter – those who work on the front line see the problems on a daily basis and deal with individuals in crisis at the point of most need.”