Money Advice Trust has announced major enhancements to its National Debtline and Business Debtline services as part of its new contracts with the Money and Pensions Services (MaPS).
Key enhancements to Money Advice Trust services include:
- The launch of the new National Debtline Partnership, which for the first time will offer a telephone casework service as part of the National Debtline client journey, with casework provided by Citizens Advice and Mental Health UK’s Mental Health and Money Advice service.
- Business Debtline supporting the wider advice sector, as the national Centre of Excellence in business debt, including through a new online AdviserHub.
- Improved digital tools to support a full debt advice journey, and new partnerships to proactively engage hard to reach groups.
These developments will be rolled out over the next three years and complement the work that National Debtline and Business Debtline do with a range of existing partners.
Read Chief Executive Joanna Elson’s blog post for more info.