MALG member the Money Advice Service is looking for organisations to be involved in a consultative group to gather feedback from the first few months of the Standard Financial Statement (SFS) being live. The consultative group will feed back to the new governance group charged with overseeing the development of SFS following its launch on 1 March 2017.
A governance group with broad representation from across the advice and creditor sectors had been in place to agree on the format and function of the SFS building up to the launch. That group will be replaced by a new group with smaller membership to oversee the running and continuous improvement of the SFS.
The consultative group will support and inform the new SFS governance group. This group will have a much wider membership across the operational side of stakeholder organisations, allowing front-line feedback and data on the usage of the SFS and its development to the governance group, as well as having the ability to research any issues requested by the governance group. The group will also explore possible future developments of the SFS.
The first meetings of the consultative group will take place at two locations, one in London and another in Manchester, around the end of July 2017. There will be one scheduled meeting per year, with further meetings at the discretion of the consultative group chair and the Money Advice Service’s Director of Debt, in conjunction with the SFS governance group.
Organisations wishing to be involved in the consultative group should respond to before 7 June 2017.