The Institute of Money Advisers (IMA) has published a report into debt adviser workloads and wellbeing following a member survey it ran last year.
The report shows how debt advisers’ views on the subject have changed since its last reports into this issue in 2020 and 2021. It also shows a number of improvements to debt adviser working conditions, including a reduction in advisers who are targeted by the number of clients they see, and fewer advisers reporting that they are always behind with their casework.
However, there remain a number of areas for improvement. Seven out of ten advisers say that their workload has increased over the last two years, from the already high levels detected in previous surveys. And while advisers feel less pressure from quality assessments following the abolition of the Debt Advice Peer Assessment (DAPA) Scheme, there remain outstanding issues about the length and complexity of confirmation of advice letters.
You can read the report in full by clicking here to download a copy. For any queries about the report, please contact policy@i-m-a.org.uk.