28 Nov 2023 | Posted In

The MALG South West Regional Members Meeting is being held virtually on Thursday 8 February, 2024.


  • 10:00 – 10:10     Arrival & Networking 
  • 10:10 – 10.25     MALG National Introducing the Spirit of MALG Working together to Improve the Lives of People in Debt – Bob Winnington, CEO
  • 10:25 – 10.55     Findings from recent Budget on Cost of Living – Suzanne Wigmore, CEO – Wiltshire Citizens Advice
  • 10:55 – 11:25     Debt Advice and Gambling Harm – Poverty Institute Representation & Financial Inclusion – Dr Sam Kirwan , Senior Lecturer in Criminology – Bristol University 
  • 11:25 – 11:35     Comfort Break
  • 11:35 – 12:00     Supporting Debt Advice Clients through strong referral pathways – a Project in collaboration with StepChange – Jamie Evans, Personal Finance Research Centre – Bristol University  
  • 12:00 – 12:15    Group Discussion around Money Management & Debt Advice across all generations including updates & insights from the Citizens Advice Lottery Project for Under 25’s – Kate Robbins, Head of Customer Policy – Wessex Water
  • 12:15 – 12:25    MALG National CEO Update – Bob Winnington, CEO – MALG
  • 12:25 – 12:30    AOB & Close

MALG South West Regional Members can now register for this Meeting on the password-protected registration and resources page here. All eligible Members will receive an invitation via email and this will include the members password required to register.