08 Feb 2024 | Posted In

The MALG North West Regional Members Meeting is being held virtually on Wednesday 26 June, 2024. The theme for this meeting will be ‘Behavioural Impacts on Financial Wellbeing.’ Invitations will be sent to all members shortly, to register their place for the event.


•      10:20 – 10:30     Welcome and Introduction
•      10:30 – 10:40     MALG National Update from Bob Winnington, CEO
•      10:40 – 11:00     Insights from Delivering Financial Education – Kate McQueen, Community Programme Manager – The Money Charity
•      11:00 – 11:20     How Communication Impacts Behaviour & Connecting more Effectively with Customers/Clients – Will Trump, Founder & Lead Consultant – Unconventional Wisdom
•      11:20 – 11:30     Comfort Break
•      11:30 – 11:50     How Debt Collection Practices Contribute to Psychological Harm – Francesca Smith, Research Officer – Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
•      11:50 – 12:10    Motivations & Barriers to Seeking Debt Advice: Setting the Scene – Jair Munoz-Bugarin, Behavioural Change and Learning Lead – Money and Pensions Service
•      12:10 – 12:20    Group Q&A
•      12:20 – 12:30    AOB & Close