I hope you all had a good Easter break. There was very little ‘down time’ here at the Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) as we made the finishing touches to our fantastic new website, which is now live! Please take a look at www.malg.org.uk and let us know your thoughts. It is very much a work in progress and something that we hope will adapt and evolve over time so your comments and suggestions are much appreciated and will be considered as part of ongoing updates.
First new Affiliate Member – GambleAware
Along with the new website, I am now also able to announce a further new strand to our restructured membership packages – Affiliate Membership. The purpose of this category of MALG membership is to increase our engagement with related organisations both inside and outside of the advice sector and to recognise the contribution of smaller independent organisations. Following Dr Jane Rigbye’s hugely successful and popular talk at the MALG Members Meeting in January, I’m pleased to reveal that GambleAware are the first organisation to take up an Affiliate Membership. Debt Camel have also joined and if you are interested to find out more, please let me know.
Member listings
You’ll notice that we have a full list of current members on the new website following the restructuring of membership packages. Existing member organisations that have been with us for over twelve months have now been listed as either Strategic Members or as Affiliate Members. Please let me know if you feel you wish to be re-listed under a different category.
Events calendar
You’ll also notice that there is an events calendar under the ‘meetings’ section of the new website which includes some external events. If you are a member organisation and would like your event listed, please let me know.
Conference booking
The most important and pressing bit of the new site is the section about the conference. It features information about the date/timings, venue, theme and sponsorship/exhibition opportunities with the full programme (sponsored by Lowell Group) and information about speakers to be added soon. It also has a link to an Eventbrite page where delegate places can now be booked at £145 for not-for-profit money advisers and £290 for all other delegates. I’m sure that when you see the content of this year’s conference you’ll agree that this is incredibly good value for money. Places are limited and we do expect this year’s event to sell out so please book your places early to avoid disappointment. We’re keen to attract people from a diverse range of organisations and sub-sectors so please spread the message far and wide and ensure that the right people from within your organisation are signed up to attend. Find out more and book now at www.malg.org.uk/conference