Introducing ‘Friends of MALG’
As a not-for-profit delivering services that were previously centred around face-to-face events, 2020 has been challenging for MALG. We are very confident going into 2021 that we can continue to not only deliver on but continue to enhance our extremely valuable membership offering through our new membership structure. However, we do still need some additional support.
We now therefore welcome the generous contributions and support of ‘Friends of MALG’ who provide additional funding to enhance the activity of our lean team of consultants and volunteers and enable us to add further value to our work, especially in response to the Coronavirus crisis.
Bespoke sponsorship packages can come in either the form of a financial contribution or pro-bono resources and either be one-off, short term, or ongoing. Friends of MALG (who are also MALG Members) benefit from being mentioned on our website and via our other communications channels where relevant, and enhanced corporate social responsibility credentials from supporting us in bringing added value to our widespread membership network and, ultimately to the people they jointly serve.
We would like to recognise and thank our current ‘Friends of MALG’ supporters Arrow Global, CDER Group, Financial Wellness Group, Intrum, Lantern, Lester Aldridge, Lowell, and PRA Group, without whom we could not have navigated our way through 2020/21 at a time when our purpose and relevance is more apparent than ever.
If you are interested in becoming a ‘Friend of MALG’, please contact to arrange a call to discuss options. |