MALG Conference 2022 – final programme revealed!
Two weeks today 200+ professionals from across the whole credit and debt landscape we will be at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre for the MALG Conference 2022 (the theme for which is ‘Jaded: How has working together to improve the lives of people in debt changed in the last 35 years?‘ – a nod to MALG’s 35th anniversary, which is traditionally celebrated with jade gifts).
We’ve worked hard to come up with a programme which directly address the current cost-of-living crisis while also looking at the bigger picture of what we can learn from the past and how we can best plan for the future. As well as keynote talks from a leading economist and the FCA, we’ve got sessions on:
- Statutory Debt Repayment Plans (SDRPs): Towards Successful Implementation
- Mission Impossible: Too much Month at the end of the Money
- Coercive Debt and Economic Abuse
- The Big Debate: The Future of Consumer Protection and Advice
- Looking Back, Looking Ahead: 35 years of Lending, Collections and Debt Advice
- Spotlight on Challenges Facing Local Government: Pandemic and Beyond
- Small Businesses in Financial Distress: A ‘Cocktail of Threats’
- Income Maximisation
Thanks to our brilliant line-up of Speakers and to our Sponsors: Intrum UK Ltd (Headline), Angel Advance (‘Big Debate’), CDER Group, Dukes Bailiffs, Lantern, Lester Aldridge, PRA Group, and Registry Trust (Small Business), and Exhibitors: Intrum UK Ltd, C&R Software, CDER Group, Experian, Money & Pensions Service, Financial Wellness Group, entitledto, JT Maxwell, Money Advice Trust, Vulnerability Registration Service, Christians Against Poverty, oneSource Debt Resolution Services Welfare Team, Reventus, ACM Solutions/AdvicePro, and IE Hub.
Delegate ticket prices have been set in response to member feedback and in the light of the cost of living crisis and rising inflation, to make the event as inclusive and accessible to as many people as possible: