The Banking Standards Board (BSB) has published a consultation on ‘What do good banking outcomes look like to consumers?’ https://www.bankingstandardsboard.org.uk/bsb-consultation-what-do-good-banking-outcomes-look-like-to-consumers/
The purpose of this document is to consult on what the outcomes of good banking cultures look like to consumers. This will provide a framework that will then help us identify good practice to the benefit of consumers, the economy and society overall.
The consultation paper includes:
• a draft framework on consumer principles, outcomes and examples;
• 14 questions; and
• an optional response template.
This consultation will be open until 26 January 2018. It is open to all interested organisations, particularly those representing consumer and civil society organisations.
The consultation paper can be found at: https://www.bankingstandardsboard.org.uk/bsb-consultation-what-do-good-banking-outcomes-look-like-to-consumers/. You can respond to the consultation by emailing martin.coppack@bankingstandardsboard.org.uk.
Following this consultation, the Banking Standards Board will publish an anonymised summary of the feedback received, and details of next steps.