20 Dec 2017 | Posted In Bob's Blog (MALG updates)

Christmas is just around the corner, and what a successful year it’s been for MALG!

For me, the MALG Conference was a highlight. We took risks to push boundaries, to blend tradition with the future; to encourage collaboration, challenge and inspire. My thanks to the MALG Conference Committee, all our sponsors, exhibitors and delegates for making it a successful day. Special thanks to Helen Gill and her team at Engage Comms for “making it happen”!

We have moved MALG forward this year in many ways through commitment, hard work and vision demonstrated by Liz and the Board and the Executive Council, and the support received from Dionne and Engage Comms. There are many others who have made valuable contributions and that is why 2018 is such an exciting prospect for me personally and for everyone associated with MALG.

The potential is there for us to develop our membership across the country, and to widen our reach and influence. We are looking to develop new and exciting strategic alliances to work together to support the lives of people in debt.

All that remains is for me to wish you, your families and work colleagues a very Happy Christmas and I look forward to seeing and working with many of you in the year ahead.

Read on for details of MALG membership, the next National Members Meeting, and conference blog and video highlights…


MALG Membership

For those of you receiving this email who are still not yet officially members of MALG, I look forward to catching up with you in the New Year to formalise our relationship. You can find out more about our membership packages and benefits and download applications forms on our website here. You can also view a list of our 100+ existing members here (if you are a regional member and your organisation isn’t listed on the website, please let me know).


MALG National Members Meeting January 2018

Our first National Members Meeting of the year will be at Bond Dickinson’s offices in London (SE1 2AU) on 25 January at 10.30am. The full agenda with details of speakers and sessions will be sent out to all members before Christmas – I look forward to seeing lots of new and existing members there for what promises to be a great start to the year of interactive meetings an discussions. There will also be the usual regulatory and MALG updates.


MALG Conference 2017 highlights

For those who weren’t able to attend the MALG Conference 2017 – or weren’t able to attend all the sessions they wanted to – and those who just want a refresher, video content from some of the sessions can now be viewed on our website here.

Thanks to Gareth McNab for his blog on the 5 questions coming out of the MALG Conference that got delegates thinking about the future of money advice – read his round-up here.

And thanks to all of those who filled in the pre-conference survey – it gave us some really useful insights into what the future of money advice holds, which we’ve summarised in this press release.

We’re already looking at ways of taking on board all of your feedback from this year’s conference to make next year’s even better – watch this space…

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